Little Mosque on the Prairie Season 4 Episode 18 A Lease Too Far

Your chance to Watch Little Mosque on the Prairie Season 4 Episode 18 A Lease Too Far Online Stream is here on the internet. Your favorite online TV series with its new episode that releases today March 15, 2010. This is a special season from the television CBC channel.

Here's the summary:

TV Series Title: Little Mosque on the Prairie
Season: 04
Episode: 18
Title of the Episode: A Lease Too Far
Genre: Comedy
Theme: Small Town Living
Date of the Show: Monday / March 15, 2010
Rate: Great (based on TV viewers)

Synopsis of the episode: With an archbishop coming for a visit and looking to meet the Muslims in Mercy, Thorne tries to hide the fact that he has evicted the mosque. (from TV viewer)

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