Fringe Season 2 Episode 21 Northwest Passage
In get-infoz you can Watch Fringe Season 2 Episode 21 Northwest Passage Online Stream with its new episode airs this date. And also with this site helps you to know the best episode and or season that the TV series released. For additional information it's summary is written below. We hope you enjoy the new show as the title above stated.
Season: 02
Episode: 21
Title of the Episode: Northwest Passage
Genre: Scifi-Drama
Theme: Science
Date of the Show: Thursday / May 06, 2010
Host: FOX
Rate: Good (based on TV viewers)
Synopsis of the episode: While Peter and a local sheriff investigate murders tied to Newton, Walter is worried that he'll be sent back to St. Claire's, and someone new arrive from the other Earth. (from TV viewer)