Monk Season 8 Episode 8: Mr. Monk Goes to Group Therapy

Watch Monk Season 8 Episode 8 online stream free

Don't miss to watch your favorite action-drama TV show Monk with its new episode which is entitled "Mr. Monk Goes to Group Therapy" and airs this October 9 @ 9PM on the number one TV channel, USA. Watch for the video of Monk Season 8 Episode 8 by clicking the links below. Again, don't miss to catch your fave TV series Monk Season 8 Episode 8 on your fave TV channel or watch it here online for free. Stay tuned and feel free to watch this great series here online.]

In this episode: Monk is forced to attend Dr. Bell's group therapy sessions, and he begins to suspect that a murderer in the group might be going after the other patients. (from TV viewer).

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