30 Rock Season 4 Episode 15 Don Geiss, America and Hope

Watch 30 Rock Season 4 Episode 15 Don Geiss, America and Hope Online Stream is your chance to watch here on the internet. This is the best guide for you to know the content of your favorite online TV series with its new episode that releases today March 18, 2010. This is a special season from the television NBC channel.

Here's the summary:

TV Series Title: 30 Rock
Season: 04
Episode: 15
Title of the Episode: Don Geiss, America and Hope
Genre: Comedy
Theme: Office
Date of the Show: Thursday / March 18, 2010
Rate: Perfect (based on TV viewers)

Synopsis of the episode: Jack needs to reestablish himself within the new corporate structure. Liz and Wesley continually run into each other, making them consider fate's role in their lives. Tracy's nanny writes an exposé. (from TV viewer)

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