90210 Season 2 Episode 1: To New Beginnings! | Watch 90210 s02e01 Online Streaming
Watch 90210 Season 2 Episode 1 Online for free...
Don't miss to watch your favorite romatic drama TV show 90210 with its new episode that is entitled To New Beginnings! and airs this 8th of September @ 8PM on your favorite TV channel The CW. Watch for the video of 90210 Season 2 Episode 1 by clicking the link below. Again, don't miss to watch your favorite TV episode 90210 Season 2 Episode 1 on your favorite TV channel or watch it here online for free. Stay tuned and feel free to watch this great series here online.
Synopsis of the episode:
After having spent most of their vacation time in summer school due to Annie's report of Naomi's party to the police, the gang decides to enjoy the last few days of the summer at the Beverly Hills Beach Club, where they meet new student Teddy. As destiny would have it, their time together in school during the summer has resulted in the formation of a close friendship between Silver and Naomi, with Adrianna also forming part of the new trio of best friends. Annie, however, has resorted to remaining aloof from her friends and family due to her guilt over the hit-and-run fiasco. Meanwhile, Navid makes plans to take his relationship with Adrianna to new levels and lose his virginity, all while Dixon learns of a text message that causes him to consider ending his relationship with Silver. (from TV viewer).
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