Private Practice Season 3 Episode 20 Second Choices

Watch Private Practice Season 3 Episode 20 Second Choices Online Stream now with its new episode airs this date.


TV Series Title: Private Practice

Season: 03

Episode: 20

Title of the Episode: Second Choices

Genres: Romantic-Drama

Theme: Medical

Date of the Show: Thursday / April 22, 2010

Host: ABC

Rate: Superb (based on TV viewers)

Synopsis of the episode: Violet returns home and to the practice. Pete and Addison have mixed feelings about Violet's desire to reconnect with Lucas. Amelia butts into Sam's personal life by pointing out that he can mend hearts in the operating room but can't seem to do that for himself. Sheldon encourages Charlotte to reconcile with Cooper, while he tries to deal with a young patient who eats everything in sight. (from TV viewer)

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