Aaron Stone Season 2 Episode 12 Sparks

Watch Aaron Stone Season 2 Episode 12 Sparks Online Stream in get-infoz entertainment through its new episode airs this date on its host channel. And also with this site helps you to know the best episode and or season that the TV series released. For additional information it's summary is written below. We hope you enjoy the new show as the title above stated.


TV Series Title: Aaron Stone
Season: 02
Episode: 12
Title of the Episode: Sparks
Genre: Action-Drama-Suspense
Theme: Teens
Date of the Show: Wednesday / July 21, 2010
Time: 9:00 P.M.
Host: Disney XD
Rate: Perfect (based on TV viewers)

Synopsis of the episode: Charlie is forced to ditch his date with cheerleader Irina Webber when a new and improved Mr. Galapagos returns to steal the Forced Fusion battery. Meanwhile, Jason invites a bunch of girls from school to go on a joy ride in Charlie's new car. (from TV viewer)

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