Design Star Season 4 Episode 7: The Longest Yard | Watch Design Star s04e17 Online Stream

Watch Design Star Season 4 Episode 7: The Longest Yard Online Stream free...

Don't miss to watch your favorite TV series Design Star with its new episode which is entitled The Longest Yard and will be aired this Sunday, August 30 @ 10:00 PM on your favorite TV channel Home & Garden Television. Watch for the video of Design Star of its new episode by clicking the link below. Again, don't miss to watch your favorite TV episode Design Star. Stay tuned and feel free to watch this episode here online.

Synopsis of the episode:

In Design Star Season 4 Episode 7, The final four designers work as a team to renovate a 10,000-square-foot backyard; tension runs high as the four strong voices struggle to be heard; budget problems arise. (from TV viewer).

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