Happy Town Season 1 Episode 5 This Is Why We Stay

Watch Happy Town Season 1 Episode 5 This Is Why We Stay Online Stream in get-infoz entertainment through its new episode airs this date on its host channel. And also with this site helps you to know the best episode and or season that the TV series released. For additional information it's summary is written below. We hope you enjoy the new show as the title above stated.


TV Series Title: Happy Town
Season: 01
Episode: 05
Title of the Episode: This Is Why We Stay
Genre: Drama
Theme: Family
Date of the Show: Wednesday / June 09, 2010
Host: ABC
Rate: Great (based on TV viewers)

Synopsis of the episode: Tommy feels the pressure to find the elusive Magic Man and Rachel wants to leave Haplin all the while being pressured by John Haplin to remember details of her kidnapping. Merritt Grieves reveals a long-kept secret to Rachel. Henley returns the hammer she stole from the boarding house attic to Peggy Haplin in exchange for money. Det. Hobbs is convinced that Greggy Stiviletto knows who severed the hand found at the bakery. (from TV viewer)

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