Modern Family Season 1 Episode 18 Starry Night

Watch Modern Family Season 1 Episode 18 Starry Night Online Stream is your chance to watch here on the internet. This is the best guide for you to know the content of your favorite online TV series with its new episode that releases today March 24, 2010. This is a special season from the television ABC channel.

Here's the summary:

TV Series Title: Modern Family
Season: 01
Episode: 18
Title of the Episode: Starry Night
Genre: Comedy
Theme: Sitcom
Date of the Show: Wednesday / March 24, 2010
Rate: Good (based on TV viewers)

Synopsis of the episode: Jay and Mitchell go on their traditional father-and-son outing to see the meteor showers, but Mitchell is upset when he finds out that Manny will be joining them. Cameron and Gloria spend some quality time together, with some minor incidents, while Phil and Claire both take on one of their child's school projects. (from TV viewer)

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